torch n. 火炬,火把;【机械工程】气炬,喷灯;〔英国〕手电筒;知识的光[源泉];〔美俚〕手枪。 the torch of Hymen 恋情。 the inverted torch 倒火炬,死的象征。 an electric torch 手电筒。 carry a [the] torch for 迷恋,单恋;热烈赞助。 hand on the torch 把知识[文化]的火把传给后代。
burning adj. 1.燃烧的,像燃烧一样的;灼痛的;辛辣的。 2.猛烈的,强烈的;热烈的。 3.议论纷纷的;紧急的。 4.极恶劣的;明摆着的。 under a burning sun 酷日之下。 forests burning with autumn tints 满林秋叶红似火。 a burning thirst 渴得要命;急切希望。 a burning love 热恋。 a burning taste 辣味。 a burning situation 紧急事态。 in burning need of 亟需。 a burning mistake 明摆着的错误。 a burning shame 奇耻大辱。 n. 1.燃烧。 2.烧制。 3.炎症。
His emblems are the spear and the burning torch . 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬。
Men struggled together for the same gun and ran into each other with their burning torches . 他们拿着熊熊的火把奔来奔去,几乎你撞倒我,我撞倒你,费尽了劲,却奔向同一支枪。
" out of his mouth go burning torches ; sparks of fire leap forth 伯41 : 19从他口中发出烧著的火把、与飞迸的火星。
In the evening , people hold burning torches , sing and dance , stay up all the night 夜晚,人们举着熊熊的火把,通宵达旦,载歌载舞。
His emblems are the spear and the burning torch ; his chosen animals are haunters of the battle field , - - the vulture and the dog 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧著的火炬;他的爱畜是兀鹰和猎犬两种战场上的常客。
His emblems are the spear and the burning torch ; his chosen animals are haunters of the battle field , - - the vulture and the dog 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬;他的爱畜是兀鹰和猎犬两种战场上的常客。
For zion ' s sake i will not keep silent , and for jerusalem ' s sake i will not be quiet , until her righteousness goes forth like brightness , and her salvation like a burning torch 1为锡安的缘故我必不静默,为耶路撒冷的缘故我必不息声,直到她的公义如光辉发出,她的救恩如火把焚烧。
One olympian would be chosen to enter the arena carry the burning torch , run down the track and give it to muhammad ali , the greatest olympian of all , who would then light the large olympic flame 然后是运送圣火的仪式,主持人说这15 , 000人中有一位被选出来,拿著火炬跑步送到亚里手中,他要燃点圣火。
Taking it into account that this metal incendiary agent will be applied to the firebomb of pl96 122mm howitzer , the parameters ( such as shape , size etc . ) of the burning torch are also researched through experiments 针对此种金属燃烧剂要应用于pl96式122毫米榴弹炮燃烧弹中,该论文还为燃烧炬的形状、尺寸等参数的确定进行了具体试验研究。
The festive highlight happens in the evening . people hold burning torches , tour along their houses and field paths , and sing loudly . torches are lined up , forming several fire dragons and lighting the dark sky 火把节的高潮在夜晚,人们举着熊熊燃烧的火把,绕着房和田边地头巡游,边走边唱,并发出阵阵宏亮的歌声和吼声,火把相连,形成条条火,照亮了茫茫黑夜,蔚为壮观。